Press Release - What should we learn from the severe accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant?
Lessons Learned From Fukushima Dai-ichi - Report & Movie
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Press Release ⇒ pressrelease_111028.pdf
entry date: 04 09 ,2012
World is ignoring most important lesson from Fukushima nuclear disaster (
Fukushima's most important lesson is this: Probability theory (that disaster is unlikely) failed us. If you have made assumptions, you are not prepared. Nuclear power plants should have multiple, reliable ways to cool reactors. Any nuclear plant that doesn't heed this lesson is inviting disaster.
by Kenichi Ohmae / April 5, 2012
Fukushima's most important lesson is this: Probability t...
entry date: 04 09 ,2012
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